Happy New Year

New Years Eve went by way too fast. I wrote for a bit, read through my current pages, and then we went riding.

Later in the evening, we joined up with other trail riders at the community center to dance 2016 away and welcome the baby new year.

But what I love most about the new year, is the new chances we get to improve our selves, our lives, and our communities. I'm a believer that change starts inside so this year for me is about consistency.

I'm a terrific starter. One thing that writing has taught me, it's not so much about how you start, but what you do day to day to get the job done. That's consistency. That's the magic.

I've made goals with my best friend who also writes. She gets it when I'm trying to explain and better, she knows when I'm fooling myself.

What are your goals for the year? Do you have a word that encompasses 2017 like me?
