And the book is done...
Until it's not. :) Farm to Fork #5 is on my editor's virtual desk.
I love this feeling. I finished writing and sent the book through my first round of edits. Filling in the XXXXX spots where I couldn't remember the name or something else I needed to look up. The Farm to Fork contract (full novels) is fulfilled. I have one more novella to write and turn in - then the fate of the series is in my publisher's hands.
I hear from a lot of people that they love the series, but the sales aren't hitting the levels my publisher loves. We'll see what they do with Angie and the crew. It was bitter sweet writing this one, wondering if Angie's next story will be told but for right now, I'm hopeful.
Deep Fried Revenge is the next book in the series to release. If you love the series, please consider pre-ordering. Publishers love that. If you want a chance to win, check out the Goodreads giveaway here. Either way, I hope you love the trip to my cozy Idaho.