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Reflecting and Reviewing 2016

I'm a huge believer in goals. Setting, working toward, achieving, I love the entire process. So as I wind down the 2016 edition, I'm looking at different ways to make 2017 Totally-Awesome-Sauce. (Like this Monkey Lamp.)

Today, I reflected on the things I've done for 2016. It's been a busy year with lots of book related travel, a real vacation, and lots of writing in between.

I wrote (as of October) 284,266 words. November will add another 15K and hopefully, December, another 44K. Yes, I'm on deadline. Looking just at the first 10 months, that's approximately 28500 words a month.

That breaks down to writing Fatality by Firelight, Killer Party, Hospitality and Homicide, and a proposal for Who Stole my Goat Cheese. I also finished contemporary romances Roadside Attraction and Project Detour. I wrote two shorts, both unpublished as of now. And I'm working on the third Cat Latimer book, Of Murder and Men.

I released three cozies and two contemporary romance novellas. One of the cozies was A Story to Kill, my first mass market paperback (which was one of 2015's dreams.)

I traveled to Chicago (3x), Milwaukee (and once to Green Bay), Kentucky, San Diego, New Orleans, and took a family vacation to North Carolina.

I learned while I'm traveling to do more than stay in the conference hotel. I have to schedule some Lynn time in there including swimming, walking, workouts, and finding the most amazing restaurants.

I'm grateful for all the experiences I've had this year. And I'm using that experience to plan goals and travel plans for 2017. Mostly, I want to plan to be happy, healthy, and enjoying my new career.

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