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The Magical Mystery Tour

Lynn’s version.

So this was week two of my book touring for the summer.

I’ve got 7 events between last weekend (Chicago) and the end of August when I go on a long awaited vacation. Then I’ll be back and promoting the release of A Story To Kill.

This weekend was Bowling Green KY for the Southern Kentucky Book Fest.

So much fun. Lots of readers, lots of authors, book nirvana.

Next week I’ll be heading to Milwaukee to meet up with 500 of Barbara Vey’s closest friends for the annual Reader’s Appreciation Luncheon. I’ve got some special giveaways just for my table that I hope they enjoy.

Then a weekend off, and, I’m back to Chicago for BookCon.

A signing in St Charles with a fellow local mystery author is on May 21st, and then in June, I’m going back to Chicago for Printer’s Row.

Then in July, I’m flying out to San Diego to party (and learn of course) with the romance writers and will be signing on Wednesday July 13th in the literary signing. (Hopefully.)

But today, I’m tired. And I have five more events to go. And a book due July 1st.

If you see me winding down during one of these events, feed me chocolate. That always seems to help. :-)

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